Coureurs De Bois Apush Definition

Coureurs de bois apush definition refers to the adventurous fur traders and explorers who played a pivotal role in the exploration and settlement of North America during the 17th and 18th centuries. These intrepid individuals ventured deep into the uncharted wilderness, forging alliances with Native American tribes and establishing a vast network of trade routes that shaped the course of American history.

As skilled woodsmen and voyageurs, coureurs de bois possessed an intimate knowledge of the land and its resources. They were instrumental in the development of the fur trade, establishing trading posts and transporting valuable pelts to markets in Europe and the American colonies.

Definition of Coureurs de Bois

Coureurs de bois, meaning “runners of the woods” in French, were a group of French-Canadian frontiersmen who played a significant role in the exploration and settlement of North America during the 17th and 18th centuries.

Role and Activities

Coureurs de bois apush definition

Primary Role

Coureurs de bois were primarily involved in the fur trade, acting as intermediaries between Native American tribes and European traders.

Involvement in Fur Trade

  • Trapped and traded furs, primarily beaver pelts, which were in high demand in Europe for hats and other luxury goods.
  • Established trading posts and alliances with Native American communities to facilitate fur collection.

Other Economic Activities

  • Engaged in hunting, fishing, and trapping for their own sustenance and to supplement their income.
  • Explored and mapped new territories, often leading expeditions into uncharted regions.

Impact on Native American Communities

Coureurs de bois apush definition

Cultural Exchange, Coureurs de bois apush definition

  • Shared knowledge and skills with Native Americans, introducing European technologies and trade goods.
  • Adopted Native American customs and languages, fostering cultural exchange and intermarriage.


  • Competition for resources, particularly fur-bearing animals, sometimes led to conflicts with Native American tribes.
  • Introduced European diseases and alcohol, which had a devastating impact on Native American populations.

Contribution to American Exploration

Major Expeditions

  • Pierre-Esprit Radisson and Médard des Groseilliers: Explored the Great Lakes region and established trading posts.
  • Louis Jolliet and Jacques Marquette: Discovered the Mississippi River in 1673.
  • René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle: Explored the Mississippi River to its mouth and claimed Louisiana for France.

Mapping and Documentation

  • Created detailed maps of the North American interior, contributing to European knowledge of the continent.
  • Provided written accounts of their travels and encounters, documenting the geography, flora, and fauna of the region.

Legacy and Influence

Impact on Fur Trade

Coureurs de bois established a vast network of trading posts and routes, which facilitated the growth of the fur trade and played a significant role in the economic development of North America.

Exploration of the American Frontier

Their explorations paved the way for further settlement and expansion into the American interior, shaping the course of American history.

FAQ Corner: Coureurs De Bois Apush Definition

What is the significance of coureurs de bois in American history?

Coureurs de bois played a crucial role in the exploration, settlement, and economic development of North America.

How did coureurs de bois interact with Native American tribes?

Coureurs de bois established alliances with Native American tribes, engaging in trade and cultural exchange while also navigating the complexities of intertribal relationships.

What were the major expeditions undertaken by coureurs de bois?

Coureurs de bois participated in numerous expeditions, including those led by Louis Jolliet and Jacques Marquette, which explored the Mississippi River and the Great Lakes region.

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